“Safe Drive, Save Life” Campaign Educates Dhubulia Schoolgirls on Road Safety
Not Only News Service: A “Safe Drive, Save Life” campaign was held by the Nakashipara…
Not Only News Service: A “Safe Drive, Save Life” campaign was held by the Nakashipara Highway Traffic Police in collaboration with the Dhubulia Traffic Unit and Dhubulia Police Station. The event, conducted on Wednesday morning, was designed to raise road safety awareness among students of Dhubulia Subhash Chandra Girls’ School. The program began with a…
Not Only News Service: In a move to streamline communications, Google has announced that starting in November 2024, the AdSense Inbox will be officially deprecated. This means users will no longer receive notifications within their AdSense accounts. However, performance reports, personalized tips, and webinar invitations will still be available via email, provided users opt in…
Not Only News Service: In a unique initiative blending environmental awareness with government welfare programs, the Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO) of Tehatta, Ananya Singh, IAS, recently visited Jitpur Muslimpara under the Raghunathpur Gram Panchayat in Tehatta-1 Block, Nadia district. During the ongoing Awas Yojana survey, SDO Singh distributed 120-micron tissue paper bags to villagers and raised…
Not Only News Service: Amid growing concerns over delays in the OBC reservation case, West Bengal’s Progressive Intellectuals of Bengal (PIB) held a crucial meeting with Minister Firhad Hakim to discuss the ongoing legal battle. The Kolkata High Court’s decision to scrap OBC reservations is currently under challenge in the Supreme Court, with the hearing…
Arnab Majumder, , Not Only News Correspondent, Krishnagar: In a crucial development in the investigation of a girl’s body found in Krishnanagar, the officer leading the case has been replaced. Sub-Inspector Sumit Kumar Dey, who had been handling the investigation, has now been removed from his role, and Inspector Kaushik Saw has taken over. While…
Not Only News Service: Google AdSense has notified account administrators and legal managers of upcoming changes to privacy laws in five U.S. states, including Iowa, Delaware, New Jersey, Nebraska, and New Hampshire. These states will implement various data protection laws starting in January 2025, such as the Iowa Consumer Data Protection Act and the New…